BOKURA: Planet Set to Launch in Early 2025, Announced by Kodansha Game Creator’s Lab Kodansha Game Creator’s Lab has officially announced the upcoming release of BOKURA: Planet, the highly anticipated sequel to the cooperative puzzle adventure game, BOKURA. Set to launch in early 2025, this new installment promises to...
Assemble Your Squad and Destroy Aliens in Deadlock Station, an All-New Roguelike Autobattler TRPG CRITICAL REFLEX and Luxorix Games are excited to announce the debut of Deadlock Station with a thrilling new trailer that showcases this roguelike autobattler tactical RPG. Starting today, players can experience the action-packed demo available on...
Get ready for an exciting adventure with Mr. Sun’s Hatbox! Developed by Kenny Sun and published by Raw Fury, this slapstick roguelite platformer has been nominated for “Excellence in Design” at this year’s Independent Games Festival. Available now on Nintendo Switch and Windows PC|Mac via Steam, the game can...
Forge, build and expand your viking clan through unforgiving seasons and hardships of the north while you set sail, explore and conquer new lands, all in the name of Odin! Frozenheim, the Viking-Themed Strategy, Receives Its Final Early Access Update, Announces June 16 as the Full Release Date! About...
Originally launched in Western markets early last year for Nintendo Switch, and before that for PS Vita in Japan, Gnosia is a Sci-Fi Social Deduction RPG in which you will engage in discussion with a variety of unique characters, with the aim of identifying the Gnosia among the group....
In the Braided Shore, kindness can be as useful as skill with a blade. Book of Travels is a tiny online experience where the journey is more important than the destination. Set the pace of your adventure alone or together with Travellers you meet on the road in this...
Climb, glide, swim, and transform around a beautiful archipelago as Tchia, who embarks on an intimate journey....
Battle a bloodthirsty cult, undo the horrors created by a mad Alchemist, and lead your team of mercenaries to victory later this month!...
Alien Life Simulator is a brand new rogue-lite action adventure game that breathes new life into the survival sim genre....
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