Twisted Cyberpunk First-Person Shooter...

Descend into the dark world of cyberpunk dystopia this month, as Feardemic today announced that 2084, its FPS with hacking mechanics is coming to Steam Early Access on December 13th. The result of a 72-hour internal game jam involving some of the developers behind >observer_ and Layers of Fear, 2084 casts players into a horrific post-apocalyptic labyrinth full of deadly hostiles. In order to eliminate their adversaries and, ultimately, escape, players must utilize an array of computer hacking commands on the fly while engaging in the the game’s deep, satisfying combat. Expect eerie plot twists and techno-thrills when 2084 launches on Steam Early Access with its full commercial launch expected in 2020.

2084 gameplay still 1

We’re amazed at what the team has put together in just 72 hours. 2084 has a really polished look, is fun to play and will certainly please fans of cyberpunk and shooters in general,” said Marcin Kawa, CEO of Feardemic. “After checking out the final build we decided that the game deserves to be shared with players. It’s a super fast-paced shooter with a hacking twist. We really can’t wait to hear what people think about the game!2

2084 gameplay still 2

2084 is an intense first-person shooter where player success is dependent on their skill as a hacker as much as a marksman. Only by hacking the network for perks such as ammunition and augmented health stats will players stand any change of escaping the mysterious cyberpunk chamber while under the constant deluge of mindless, murderous creatures. The Early Access version will include two game modes: a story mode where players must kill enemies and level bosses before facing off against the game’s final, most challenging adversary, and then an endless mode where gamers face wave after wave of enemies, killing everything in sight to gain top ranking on the leaderboards.

About Feardemic

Feardemic is a boutique publisher and production house established in early 2017 and a wholly owned subsidiary of Bloober Team SA, the company behind the horror classic Layers of Fear and critically acclaimed cyberpunk horror >observer_.

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