After her brother goes missing, a young psychologist visits an infamous haunted and cursed location known as ‘Howling Village’ to investigate his disappearance and uncover her family’s dark history. Actors Ayaka Miyoshi, Ryôta Bandô, Megumi Okina, Renji Ishibashi Director Takashi Shimizu Writers Daisuke Hosaka, Takashi Shimizu...
Akira Kurosawa is a nerdy movie buff who works on low budget romantic comedies while dreaming of becoming a horror master. After being abused by his mentor, “the master” he finally decides he’s had enough and opens a door allowing an evil spirit to wreak revenge on those who...
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories television anime series is getting a seventh season that will premiere this July. The series chronicles a mysterious, yellow-masked Storyteller whose true name and origin are both unknown. He appears at dusk where children gather and recites sinister tales based on Japanese urban legends, to...
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