Roy Neary, an Indiana electric lineman, finds his quiet and ordinary daily life turned upside down after a close encounter with a UFO, spurring him to an obsessed cross-country quest for answers as a momentous event approaches. Actors Richard Dreyfuss, François Truffaut, Teri Garr Director Steven Spielberg Genre Drama,...
Despite a strong field, Karasuno High volleyball team advances past preliminary round of Harutaka tournament in Miyagi prefecture to reach the third round. Actors Ayumu Murase, Kaito Ishikawa, Yûki Kaji, Yûichi Nakamura Directors Susumu Mitsunaka Genre Animation, Comedy, Drama Rated – NR...
Thirteen years after Yang Jian (known to some as Erlang Shen) imprisoned his sister beneath a mountain, the once-powerful god now scrapes by as a penniless bounty hunter. When a mysterious woman hires him for a new job, Yang Jian soon finds himself chasing down a familiar figure. He...
When 13-year-old Tommy loses his parents to a drug raid, he turns to a phone sex operator (his fairy godmother) for help as he embarks on an urban odyssey to escape foster care with his two best friends, Steve and O’Neill. Actors Dallas Dupree Young, Gerrison Machado, Mylen Bradford,...
When Robert, a high school student and aspiring cartoonist, rejects the comforts of suburban life, dropping out and leaving home, he finds an unwilling teacher and unwitting friend in Wallace—a former underground comic legend—in this bitingly funny and playfully twisted coming-of-age story. Actors Daniel Zolghadri, Matthew Mahe, Andy Milonakis,...
It’s the week before Halloween. Char’s bedridden mother, Angela, has mysteriously gone missing. All that remains is her abandoned car parked in the middle of a field. When Angela returns home to their North Dublin estate the following evening without explanation, it becomes clear to Char and her grandmother,...
After witnessing the alien abduction of her mother as a child, Aurora joins the UFO cult “The Cosmic Dawn”. At the cult’s remote compound Aurora experiences miraculous revelations, and consciousness-expanding flowers but all isn’t as it seems with the cult’s leader, Elyse. Now moved on from the cult, Aurora...
Set in an isolated mountain village in 19th century Macedonia, YOU WON’T BE ALONE follows a young girl who is kidnapped and then transformed into a witch by an ancient spirit. Curious about life as a human, the young witch accidentally kills a peasant in the nearby village and...
When almost everyone vanishes from a tourist ship in the Arctic, fear becomes the master for the three who remain. Forced ashore and alone in the elements, the men deteriorate in body and mind with the clock now ticking on their survival. In the end, a dark truth emerges...
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