Renowned game developer Sawaki Takeyasu, known for his contributions to titles like Devil May Cry, Okami, Steel Battalion, and El Shaddai, is gearing up to launch his latest masterpiece on February 14th. The eagerly awaited space 3D epic, titled STARNAUT, is set to hit Early Access on PC Steam.
STARNAUT, developed by Tokyo-based crim Co. Ltd, the creators of the acclaimed El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, promises a thrilling gaming experience. In this unique 3D action game, players take on the role of the STARNAUT, a surviving astronaut facing relentless waves of enemies. The goal? Beat them up and launch the Omega Rocket to progress to the next level.
The game introduces a roguelike system, adding an extra layer of challenge as players navigate through levels collecting coins before their oxygen runs out. To advance, players must locate the Omega Rocket and use their hard-earned coins to launch it. Shopnaut, a helpful companion with a monitor for a head, offers a variety of automatic weapons for purchase or upgrade.
STARNAUT boasts features like eradicating enemies from the multiverse, collecting coins and upgrades, and equipping eight different weapons. Players can choose one weapon at the start of each level, but resources and weapons reset, providing a fresh challenge every time.
With an immersive gameplay experience, including Sniper mode and five sprawling levels (with hints of more to come), STARNAUT invites players to choose their weapons, face extreme challenges within a 30-minute time limit, and be cautious – the game’s addictive nature might make you lose track of time. Get ready to feel the excitement of destroying infinite enemies in this epic space adventure!
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