
Unveiled as Project TB in May 2022, Wakerunners emerges as a thrilling 4v4 and 5v5 action game set in a captivating dystopian sci-fi future. The desolate Earth serves as...

Unveiled as Project TB in May 2022, Wakerunners emerges as a thrilling 4v4 and 5v5 action game set in a captivating dystopian sci-fi future. The desolate Earth serves as the battleground for intense skirmishes among surviving factions. Engage in fast-paced gameplay, featuring close-quarters combat and dynamic gliding across battle arenas at high speeds, all thanks to a unique acceleration and deceleration mechanic.

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Wakerunners introduces a diverse cast of characters, each wielding unique abilities, personas, and battle styles. Players can strategically swap between characters mid-battle, unleashing a variety of skills to gain a tactical advantage. The Steam Next Fest demo, launching soon, will showcase five exciting game modes and present seven playable characters.

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Explore game modes such as Team Deathmatch, Raider, Control Conquest, Command Siege, and Escort in the upcoming demo. Don’t miss the chance to join the Wakerunners battle – visit the Steam page during Steam Next Fest to download and experience the demo firsthand!

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For those eager to stay in the loop with Wakerunners updates, wishlist the game on Steam, follow its Twitter account, and become part of the vibrant community on Discord. For a deeper dive into the world of Wakerunners, be sure to explore the Mintrocket website for additional information.

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MINTROCKET aims for a world where various genres and new kinds of enjoyment coexist. The studio consists of several dedicated teams working on diverse projects, yet united by a common goal: to bring immersive experiences to audiences worldwide with creative and inspiring games. What makes a game great? MINTROCKET thinks the answer comes from the gamers. Located in South Korea, MINTROCKET is a game studio under Nexon.

Yogomi News


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