Zone 414

Guy Pearce, Matilda Lutz and Travis Fimmel star in the sci-fi thriller set in Zone 414, a dangerous, dark colony of humanoids known as “the city of robots.” The...

Zone 414 movie posterGuy Pearce, Matilda Lutz and Travis Fimmel star in the sci-fi thriller set in Zone 414, a dangerous, dark colony of humanoids known as “the city of robots.” The colony’s creator (Fimmel) hires private investigator David Carmichael (Pearce) to track down his missing daughter. David teams up with Jane (Lutz), a highly advanced A.I. equipped with the same technology of her fellow humanoids, but with all the emotions, feelings and dreams of a human being. They travel through the city uncovering clues and a crime that calls into question the origins and true purpose behind the city of artificial humans

Guy Pearce, Matilda Lutz, Jonathan Aris, Travis Fimmel

Andrew Baird

Brian Edward Hill
Science Fiction

Yogomi News


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