Mobile Suit Gundam

Gundam Info has uploaded condensed versions of the three original Mobile Suit Gundam movies on their YouTube channel in a single playlist for free!...

The Mobile Suit Gundam anime series, produced and animated by Nippon Sunrise and created and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino, premiered in Japan April 7, 1979. It ran for 43 episodes and was the very first Gundam series ever aired. Since then it has been adapted into numerous sequels and spin-offs. If you’re not familiar with the Gundam series, it’s a futuristic, science fiction anime and one of the most popular that features “giant robots”. MSG centers around an ongoing battle between the Principality of Zeon and the Earth Federation. The Earth Federation unveils RX-78-2 Gundam , a giant robot piloted by the teenage civilian mechanic Amuro Ray.

In 1981, the series was re-edited for theatrical release and split into three movies. Gundam Info has uploaded condensed versions of the three original Mobile Suit Gundam movies on their YouTube channel in a single playlist for free!

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