A manga adaptation by Kouji Ogata began serialization in 1999 and is licensed in English by Seven Seas Entertainment. The story takes place in an unnamed Japanese city, and follows five students at Shinyo Academy as they try to piece together the puzzle of a new drug and recent disappearances among the student populace. While the teachers believe them to only be runaways, the female students whisper among themselves about the urban legend Boogiepop, who is said to be a shinigami.
There is an urban legend that tells of a shinigami that can release people from the pain they are suffering. This “Angel of Death” has a name—Boogiepop. And the legends are true. Boogiepop is real. When a rash of disappearances involving female students breaks out at Shinyo Academy, the police and faculty assume they just have a bunch of runaways on their hands. Yet some students know better. Something mysterious and foul is afoot. Is it Boogiepop or something even more sinister…?
Original Creator:Kouhei Kadono
Original Character Design:Koji Ogata
Director:Shingo Natsume
Series Composition&Script:Tomohiro Suzuki
Character Design:Hidehiko Sawada
Music:kensuke ushio
Animation Studio:MADHOUSE
Produce:Boogiepop and Others PARTNERS
Boogiepop&Touka Miyashita:Aoi Yuuki
Nagi Kirima:Saori Onishi
Official site: https://boogiepop-anime.com/
Official Twitter: @boogiepop_anime(ハッシュタグ #boogiepop)
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